Sunday, February 8, 2015

Intro Post


My name is Danielle Frostig (or Dani, or Frosting, or Frosted Flakes - I've heard them all and will respond to most). I am a freshman in Weld Hall from Southern California and still infinitely excited by all the snow. If you need to find me, I'll be outside making a snow angel.

I grew up on a college campus that has an observatory and once a month I got to go to the public visitor nights and use the big telescope, so my interest in astronomy was almost inevitable. This was further solidified by summer camps and research jobs, however my interest in astronomy wasn't always my only clear path. Before Harvard, I went to an arts school for six years studying visual arts like drawing, painting, and ceramics. I still absolutely love art, but ultimately decided to go to Harvard as an astrophysics major.

My love for astronomy only improved last semester after taking Astro 2- Celestial Navigation (so if school doesn't work out, I may become a pirate with my skills from that class) and after taking classes to get swipe access to the telescope. All this has made me more excited to take Astro 16.

I'll leave you with a picture of my high school graduation cap, which I think summarizes my interests pretty well.

Here's to a great semester!


1 comment:

  1. It's great to have someone with such a long standing interest in astronomy. I look forward to reading the rest of your blogs.
    Stay frosty matey....
